What if you were beaten up every time someone saw you and your girlfriend/boyfriend holding hands? Imagine being thrown in jail for being madly in love with someone of the same sex, just because of some messed up rules in the country you lived in. This, unfortunately, can be a daily thing for gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transsexuals and people who ‘like someone in a way that society is not used to’.
Society has an idea of what real love is: people of the opposite sex can be together. I absolutely think that a man and a woman can live happily ever after, but I believe a man and a man or a woman and a woman can so, as well. People are human beings, whether they are attracted to someone of the same or the opposite sex.
Gays cannot poison you. It is not like if they touch you, your skin will swell up and you will die. But gays can die and in some countries, they have death penalty. If they find out that you are gay, they KILL you. The law says so. How messed up is that? That is SO unfair, discrimination at its worst. Society is scared of anything that is different. To some people being gay is very different. They do not know much about it, so they push it away instead of doing some research and actually realise that gays are normal people just like you.
In many countries you are allowed to get married with someone of the same sex. That is, in my opinion, 100% right. They will not punish you if they find out that you are gay. I think that is what it should be like everywhere in the world! But sadly that is not how it works. Gays do not have the same rights as straight people, which they definitely should. Everyone has the right to a beautiful life, whether you are straight or not.
I think we have to fight for lgbt rights. No one deserves to die for being who they are. Society needs to get it together and accept the fact that love is love no matter who you like. I hope that love wins.
Yours sincerely